Lane Music

Lane Music’s keyword growth has increased by an incredible average of 658 positions over their specified keywords since working with Ugly Mug Marketing.


Average Keyword
Position Increase


increase in organic traffic


Added Blogs for Searchable & Optimized content on the website
The Company Icon


For over 35 years, the Lane Music piano and musical instrument retail brand has helped educate and shape generations of musicians throughout Tennessee.

Established in Memphis in 1987, the Lane Music chain has since expanded to include world-class brick-and-mortar stores in Nashville and Knoxville, which both bring a unique set of values and experiences to the core mission.

From first-time players to seasoned professionals, Lane Music has the gear you need to ensure your musical endeavors thrive for many years to come.
The Challenge Icon


Lane Music had never done SEO before and the goal was to see growth in their digital presence through increased positions for 10 different keywords, 2 Blog postings to their site each month, backlink growth, an increase in domain authority, and organic reach.
The Solution


We worked on optimizing their website for their chosen high-volume keywords.

We provided onsite optimizations, content refreshes, internal links, and offsite content marketing to help focus their keywords and fix existing SEO issues onsite.

Over the past 6 months, we have increased their searchable/optimized content through 12 new blogs added to their site. We have also seen a 29.4% increase in their organic traffic.  In addition, the position increase of their keywords has increased an average of 658 positions.