Facebook Tips To Help Grow Your Business

Fresh content on Facebook lets people know that your business is open and ready for new customers.   Below are some useful tips for using social media to help grow your business.

Watch and read as we go through 3 Tips to help grow your business on Social Media!




Posting regularly is important to keep your business top-of-mind for customers. If you’re the first thing they think of when they need to purchase, chances are they will make their purchase from you. Posting regularly also gives you a chance to attract new customers by showing them what your business stands for and what value it can offer.

The easiest way to keep up a regular posting schedule is to plan in advance. Planning your content in advance gives you time to focus on what matters most – running your business. Schedule posts and stories in Facebook Business Suite to create batches of content for the upcoming week or month.

To schedule a post on Facebook, create the post like you normally would. Instead of selecting “Publish”, select the drop-down arrow and select “Schedule Post”. From there you can pick the date and time that you want your post to publish.

Tips for Social Media Marketing
Tips for Social Media Marketing



There’s no one-size-fits-all answer regarding the best time to post on Facebook and Instagram, but the Insights section in Business Suite makes it easier to figure out. Take a look at the Audience tab in Insights to understand where your Facebook and Instagram followers are located, and what time zone they’re in.

If you’ve been posting content regularly, you can also use the Content tab in Insights to look for patterns. Maybe your Facebook posts tend to get more engagement when they’re published after 5 PM, or your Instagram Stories get more views on weekends. Use these learnings to post content when your audience is most active and likely to engage.

To find insights about when your audience is online, go to your business page on Facebook or your Facebook Business Suite. From there, select insights on the left-hand menu.

Tips for Social Media Marketing

From there, select posts on the left-hand menu. The days and times of day when your audience is online will be displayed in the graphic near the top of the screen.

(Note: if you are accessing this from Facebook Business Suite, the option to select will be audience instead of posts.)

Tips for Social Media Marketing



Think about your ideal customer. What do they care about? What content do they like to see from you? Brainstorm a few ideas and put them to the test. Create and schedule different types of content and monitor their performance using Insights to understand what your audience likes best.

Don’t be afraid to try out new things. Testing new ideas is key to finding what works and what doesn’t. Taco Tuesday is a real thing, but maybe your audience really loves tacos on a Friday afternoon. There’s only one way to find out!

Have any questions about making the most out of social media for your business? Shoot me an email. I’d love to talk about it with you!



That’s all I’ve got for now.

See you next time!

– Tim