Make sure your website is EFFECTIVELY equipped

Make sure your website is EFFECTIVELY equipped

Webinar: Make sure your website is EFFECTIVELY equipped to work for you!


Have you ever been super excited about a purchase, but then the product just doesn’t get you the results you desired?
It could be a new golf club, a new pair of shoes, a new electronic, etc…
For many business owners, that product is their website.
Websites can be a great TOOL to help capture new customers and nurture current ones, but you have to make sure your website is EFFECTIVELY equipped in order to make it work for you.
During our workshop, I (Mallori, the Website Coordinator here at Ugly Mug Marketing) will be giving entrepreneurs the website 101!
I will be discussing 20 things you need in order to have an effective website that leads to results for your business.
You can watch the webinar on the video below or you can see the quick notes on the 20 things you must have in order to have an effective website.
To start the 20 things, let’s go with break it down into 10 questions you need to ask about your website.
  1. First off, do you have a website?
  2. Is the goal of your website the focus of your site?
  3. does the site capture leads?
  4. Is there a face above the fold?
  5. Is there social proof?
  6. Is the design responsive?
  7. Is the website secure?
  8. Is the website up to date?
  9. Is the website easy to navigate?
  10. Does it take a long time to make updates?

Now, let’s walk through 10 tips for content that goes on your website.

  1. Know your website goal
  2. Know your audience
  3. Persuade your audience
  4. Avoid Insider language
  5. Write short, simple sentences
  6. Make the text scannable
  7. A picture is worth a thousand words
  8. Use real photos
  9. Showcase your culture
  10. Plan for updates
We hope this has helped you make sure your website is EFFECTIVELY equipped to be a success for your company.
Let us know if you have any questions!
– Mallori