Building a 7-Figure Business With a 5-Figure Culture is IMPOSSIBLE.

Which begs the question,
Are you stuck with 5-figure culture?
It’s tricky because 5-figure cultures aren’t necessarily bad cultures,
as a matter of fact, the culture you created is what brought your business to where it is today.
But as Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
In your business, it’s ALWAYS the unconscious 5-figure cultural habits (those you aren’t even aware of) that are directing and putting a cap on your business’ true potential.
How do you know if you have unconscious 5-figure cultural habits?
Look for the friction.
Where are you constantly experiencing friction?
Do you feel like:
❌ everyone wants a paycheck, but no one wants to work
❌ with a better team your business could grow faster
❌ if it’s gonna be done right, I’m going to have to do it
❌ if I’m not present, then everything falls apart
❌ no one wants to be held accountable
Does this friction cause you to feel frustrated?
If so, good!
That means you’re onto something.
When furious, get curious.
Look for the points of friction that make you furious…
it is in those places that you need to dig deeper.
As you dig, you’ll likely discover a few cultural habits that are hindering your growth.
For example, let’s say that your team members are:
✔️ constantly showing up late,
✔️ unmotivated and disengaged,
✔️ needing constant reminders,
✔️ and causing you constant frustration.
Turn your “furious” into curious.
Ask yourself:
❓ is it my team members, or the culture I’ve created?
❓ do I have the habit of giving answers instead of asking questions?
❓ have I established rhythms and systems that create a self-accountable culture?
❓ how would my company operate without me present?
Asking yourself tough questions will help you identify the root cause of your friction.
And until you uncover the root cause – the hindering cultural habits – you’ll forever remain frustrated and stuck.
Your business is a reflection of your cultural habits.
Don’t like what you see?
Remove your hindering habits…
and replace them with new high-growth cultural habits.
Your future, and your team will thank you.
ps – The culture of your company is a reflection of its underlying habits. Do you have the culture you need to take your business to the level it (and you) deserve?