According to Finances Online, if a website offers subpar graphic design, 94% of site visitors will leave right away. Hiring an experienced SEO company is an effective way to give your site’s graphic design a boost and avoid high bounce rates like this. With the right SEO company in your corner, you can attract and convert site visitors. Graphic design is one thing that is difficult to do if you aren’t a trained professional. Take a look at these three important ways that strong graphic design can benefit your site.
Clarity and Ease of Reading
Even if you have the best content around, if your graphic design isn’t up to snuff, it won’t matter. No one wants to spend time on a site that is difficult to read. This can be a factor of a poor choice of text colors and backgrounds or selecting a less-than-ideal font. Poor graphics can make visitors’ user experience a challenge that they’d rather not take on.
Strong Visual Interest
Who doesn’t love to spend time on a site that not only has important and interesting information but is also easy to navigate and pleasant to look at? You want an eye-catching statement as soon as a viewer navigates to the homepage of your website. A strong visual interest can draw visitors to your site and keep them interested long enough for more great content to capture their attention.
Higher Conversion Rates
Everyone knows that without strong conversion rates, it doesn’t matter how well-done a site is. When you work with an SEO company that focuses on the whole visitor experience, you can expect improved results. As mentioned above, the more time a visitor and potential client spends on your site, the more likely they are to convert. Good graphic design can not only draw them into the site but also nudge them in the right direction to begin their sales journey.
If your site isn’t delivering the results you want, it may be time to bring in some professional help. With the right graphic design team, you will be able to elevate your site and convert visitors more frequently. Now is a perfect time to find out more about the many benefits that come with working with a company that has a strong graphic design component. Contact Ugly Mug Marketing today to get started on your website journey!