Abandon Strategy

 Here is a shocking stat for you. 

87% of businesses that ultimately succeed abandon their initial strategy that they had when they started their business. 

So think about that. 

Almost 90% of businesses gave up on the initial strategy that they had when they started their business. 

I know for me at Ugly Mug Marketing when when I first started, my plan was to offer direct response marketing only.

That was my strategy. 

But after listening to my customers and listening to their feedback and listening to the needs and the problems they had, I discovered that they wanted help with their websites. 

And so we pivoted. 

We shifted our strategy initially to help them solve those problems. 

So for you, you need to hold firmly to the vision that you have for your company and the purpose you have for your company, which is hopefully to serve entrepreneurs, to help them solve problems. 

And then you need to hold loosely to the strategy or the plans that you have in place. 

You see the strategy and plans will change.

They will alter based on all these external circumstances, things happening in the world, but your vision should remain constant, and hopefully that is helping and serving other people.